Monday, April 8, 2013

Wow threesome fun

How many of you dirty minded people clicked this with bad thoughts???

I've been gone for a week and so today I will do a mini movie review, post a YouTube video, and two of my fav Pins from Pinterest.

This weekend I saw Jurassic Park 3D in IMAX. Can I just say Go See It. This was just a good movie to see, and to see it revamped like this, was so worth it. The jokes were still there, and I jumped once or twice knowing what was going to happen anyway. This movie is so epic by its self. Seeing it in #d just brings it to another level. Now there were some scenes that the 3D was not great, but I overlooked it because I just got lost in nostalgia. I'd rate it a 7 out of 10, but defiantly a must see in theaters movie!!

I hate The video Link to this thing. It never finds the correct videos.

This is a Video I edited to a show I love Doctor Who. The song I used was called Whatever You Imagine. I got inspired with season 7 starting up again and a new companion on the show, I couldn't stop myself. I hope you enjoy it.

Last here are 2 of my fav pins well I was away.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


No idea what to do today. Since I did 2 reviews yesterday I'm feeling lazy, but since I am I'm doing a post of 4 videos I recently posted on my YouTube . Which ones your favorite??

did a part/hosted these two

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

YouTube Review

I know two in one day. I'm trying to make up for the fact that I'm going to be gone for a week. I'll try the app on my phone and see how good it is but you never know. Today will be a little bit different instead of a YouTuber that makes a profit off of there videos, I'm going to talk about a fan editor. This is some that takes a generally popular media and edits it to a different style. Mostly just music videos.

We will talk about someone I first started following on YouTube called Silverbunnystudios. She's been on YouTube since 2009 (may be longer since copyright issues). She's from the US and mainly uses Sony Vegas as an editing tool. Her main focus for editing is anime (Sailor Moon), but I do find a random live action or Disney video there. I recommend you check out their work, because she inspires my editing every day.

Well see yeah tomorrow!!!

YouTube Review

I'm going to do two blogs today one in the morning and one later tonight.  This one is going to be about EpicMealTime.

I found this channel by hearing a review from another channel I follow. I soon enjoyed watching them stuff their faces with food that would never be eaten. I mean never. Sometimes it makes me sick to think they eat this stuff for a living. Here are three videos of theirs to get an idea.

I wouldn't recommend this channel to anyone with an easily upset stomach. It is a good channel and fun to watch the creative things they cook, and eat.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Show, A Manga, and Something New

Fruits Basket Review

This show means so much to me. I bought it by chance when a dvd store near by was having a buy one get one free sale. I almost passed it by. My best friends pointed it out, and what a brilliant purchase it was. Every year come spring I watch the show. It has so many uplifting qualities to it. It wasn't soon after I started reading the manga. I feel even more for the characters I enjoyed.

Lets go over the plot of the series and then we will get to the reviews.  We are introduced to Main Character Tohru Honda. Tohru lives in a tent in the woods to not be a burden on her poor grandfather and close friends. As she is walking to school she finds a house out in the middle of the woods. Upon closer inspection it turns out to be the home of school Prince Yuki Sohma, and cousin Shigure Sohma (It's sad when I can spell all their names from memory). She is soon invited to stay as a housemaid. Thats when she stubbles or trips on to the Sohma Family Curse. Soon she is meeting more of the family, and find it's easier to be herself in a family full of outcasts.

First I'd like to give my review of the show then we will talk about the manga.  Out of all the anime I've seen this is the most child friendly. That being said it doesn't make it unpleasurably to watch as an adult. The story, the characters it's all so original.  You just get sucked in, and though their are parts that make it stick out as an anime it just seems to work and make it that much more funny. This is exactly what you need to see because it is so full of hope, and that even at the worst times, there can still be things to smile about you just need some help to find them. The tv series I rate a 10 out of 10. This really is a must see. It's on Netflix and Hulu.

I started the tv series before I read the manga. The series even in book form was still able to keep My attention. The first couple chapters were refreshing from the series, but there was subtle differences and then you get to were the tv series stops the manga continues, and It is worth it to read on past. To find those hidden parts of the story. Also the character that were never mentioned in the tv series. I have to say that is what makes this series is the characters, and wanting to know about them. It is a worthy read and I highly recommend it!!!

Now something new being how much this series means to me personally I'm going to do a What This Character Taught Me.

Tohru is the sweetest character their ever was. I learned that no matter what you should always be yourself. That you should find people that try and find the best in you, because their may come a point that you won't be able to see it in yourself.

Yuki is a shy, leader that everyone looks up to, but he just can't seem to get why.  He taught me that even is you are shy, you still need to stand up for what is right.

Kyo is a loud and stubborn character, that never seems to be able to succeed. He taught me that everyone just wants to belong somewhere, and that you should never stop trying to find that place.

Shigure is some one who is fun and wise. He taught me that you shouldn't rub things you know in people faces. Also you must enjoy the little jokes life trows at you.

Momiji is a take things as they come character. He taught me you shouldn't let the bad things go, but hold on to them till they are not so bad.

Hatori is a quiet character, that takes care of everyone in the family. He taught me that pain is unavoidable, and no matter what happens you should do whatever it takes to ease the suffering you cause to others. Even if it hurts you in the process.

Ayame is a guy that tries to look out for others, but makes sure he's taken care of as well. He taught me it's never to late to make amends for the past, and that there is no shame in admiring the good qualities in others.

Arisa is a rebel that has a hard time with her past and working that into a bright future. She taught me that you should fight for your friends, because they are precious to have.

Hana is a quite girl with a dark past. She taught me sometimes you have to step back and let others lead their own lives. even if it is painful for them and you.

I could do more but its late and I'm tired. I hope you enjoyed this.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tumblr Day!!!

A day of gif's I finished my Project, but yeah wanted to do this anything.

First a cute Merlin Gif

Second is a two Supernatural pictures

Third two Fruits Basket Gifs
Last A gif from Glee

I hope you enjoyed today. Tomorrow I will be away from my computer, so on Friday I will be reviewing Fruits Basket. As well as a what this show taught me segment.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Day on Pinterest

So again since super busy doing random posts today is dedicated to Pinterest.

First off some cool shoes

A quote
A cute Drawing
An odd punishment
Short people argument
A random Buffy scene
A random Doctor Who scene
A Sherlock Quote
Last a musical quote

Anything particular you want for Tumblr day??

Monday, March 18, 2013

This Week

I'm really busy this week so I won't be able to do much. So I'm going to make a YouTube, Pinterest, and Tumblr day. I'll go from there.

Day On YouTube

Harry+Hermione | I'm scared for

Ho Hey | Merlin & Arthur

Tonight We Are Young // 

Doctor Who

That's it for today!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday Randomness

So another day of Randomness.

You know I didn't realize Now much of a Pinterest follower I was till I tried finding the pins I pinned last Saturday up here. Lets just say I never found them, but I did find my top Pins of this week Enjoy

So we have two cell phone jokes!!!

A creative piece of fan-art (omg Ed!!!) and a funny fact about

Last a funny Merlin Scene, and a cute books as weapons motif.

If you noticed I'm doing things a bit out of order. But who cares right?
Next I found this great artist on Tumblr.

This is by 'alicexz you can find her at deviant art here.

Next some movie quotes I liked!!

Last we have some Videos from YouTube.

The Sapphires - Official Trailer
Looks really good can't wait

Doctor Who: New Series 7
Ahhhh Can't wait to watch it 50 years of awesome.

Geronimo | Doctor Who
Doctor Who Tribute to the 11th Doctor.

grave i spoke |Severus Snape|
A Tribute to my Favorite Harry Potter Character

|❅Jack Frost❅|~Rescue Me
A vid to a really good movie to check out!!!

Well That is it for this Saturday!! Check out more next week.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Food Review

Toasted Sesame Ginger Salmon

I made this for dinner tonight, since it's one of those don't eat meat days. I tried a new recipe hoping it'd spice up the salmon. It'd tasted different from any salmon I've ever tried that's for sure.

The recipe calls for the salmon to be marinated in 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 2 tbsp rice vinegar, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 2 tbsp soy sauce, 2 minced garlic cloves, 1 tbsp ginger, and (I added the sesame seeds early, but one tbsp of those) I marinated for at least 2 hours in a zip lock bag. It says to cook on broil for 10 to 12 minutes. It only took 5 before I smelt smoke. Don't worry it was just the edges that were crispy.

The fish with the two hours of marinating still tasted bland, and didn't really sit well. It looked fantastic, and was simple to make. The lack of flavor though was a huge turn off. Now its supposed to be severed with a glaze, but I was to hungry to care about making it. I don't know if it would have added much but who knows. I mean a cinnamon roll doesn't taste nearly as good without it's glaze. It may be worth another shot, but not for awhile.

Rated 5 out of 10, wouldn't recommend it to people. here is a link to recipe if you want to check it out.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Movie Review

The Rise of The Guardians

This was an amazing, AMAZING Movie. I think I liked this better than Wreck It Ralph. The characters are So amazing in this and the plot. My mom and I were both a little teary eyed after it.

The movie is about Jack Frost, who really doesn't know why he's doing much of anything. He's spent his entire life just getting people to notice him. Suddenly he is chosen to become a guardian. Someone that protects the children of the world. The current guardians are the Easter Bunny, Sandman, Tooth fairy, and Santa Claus. With the Boogeyman rising in power these five must join together to protect the kids.

This is so much more than just a kids movie. My mom and myself both were teary eyed at the end. I think that's because these character are things that have been something you grow up believing. If your like me you still in the deepest of hearts like to think they are still there. That's what makes this story be cause it touchs that part of you that just wants to believe. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a good movie, because this one rocks. Rated 10 out of 10. Couldn't find anything really wrong with it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Waiting Lady part 2

I Got A Comment!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH! I love comments.  They make me feel happy inside. Please Keep them coming, and as requested here is part two of The Waiting Lady.

The Waiting Lady Part 2

Calli took up her normal spot watching the village. She kept waiting to spot Rasil within the group of Creatures. She suddenly felt a presence behind her. She spun swiftly about to attack the person behind her, when she recognized Rasil. "Did I scare you?" He asked a cheeky smile on his face. Calli righted herself replying in a huff, "No." Rasil let off a chuckle, "I wasn't expecting you back so soon." Calli turned away, "I will be punished for what I did earlier, I... I just wanted to see the village one more time." "Just the village?" Rasil asked. "Of course," Calli answered. Rasil turned around, "Well I guess I'll head back." Calli surprised by his response grabbed his hand and said, "Wait."

Rasil turned back with a smile. "Why are you going to be punished for helping me?" Calli leaned back against a tree, "When all of you first arrived, you declared war on the forest, killing and destroying anything that lived within. We were caught off guard by your presence and lost many before we began a defense against you. My father and mother who fought in the war, have spent thousands of years protecting all that remain here in the forest. They refuse to accept that those outside could have changed and is set in their ways on this." "I see, but I would never do anything to hurt your people," Rasil said. "I know from what I have seen of the village, no harm should come, but I am not my parents and have little power in the court. There is not a lot I can do," signed Calli. " There has to be something we can..." Rasil was cut off as vines tied themselves around his body. Calli jumped into action but was to late as the same vines wrapped around her.

She saw her Father come out around the troops, an angry scowl on his face, "Take these two to court, Punishment will be decided swiftly and harshly." Calli struggled with the vines but she couldn't break free. She watched as Rasil and her were placed before the court and her parents. Her father stood and the court went silent, "Today I found out news that someone has been seen by the creatures outside our boarders. They have endangered the entire kingdom with their negligence." Gasps could be heard throughout the court, "Earlier when our border was breached we were able to identify that only one outsider had made claims of seeing one of us, The creature named Rasil." Her father lifted his hands and Rasil vines fell to the floor. "Are you the Creature Rasil?" Rasil looked at her and as she struggled against her vines. "I am Rasil," He replied firmly.

"For being made aware of our presence and our kingdom, I here by Sentence to death as the sun sets," Her mother said harshly. Calli made a muffled cry as Rasil was escorted out of the Court. Her Father again addressed the court, "The Holt responsible for the breach, is Princess Calli," Gasps again were heard though the court, "Is there anything you would like to say for your crimes." Calli felt the vines loosen and fall. She looked at her parents, "Please punish me for my crimes, but do not punish Rasil. He has done nothing wrong." Her Mother replied, "You know once contact with the creatures, that involves the the exchange of information, That Creature must be killed." "But Rasil is different he means the Holt no harm." Calli Pleaded. "Can you promise that and even if he did would not fellow creatures try and follow him here? Can you vouch for each creature out there, that they well be as accepting as this one?" her father asked.  "I can't but..." "Enough," her mother said cutting her off. "Calli you are charged with treason and endangerment of the forest, and this Kingdom. As punishment you will watch the creature be executed and then be escorted to the outlining borders. Where you will spend the rest of your days." Calli fell to her knees and two court guards grabbed her arms escorting her out of the court to the dungeons.

Calli sat in her cell trying to think of a plan, but as the sun got darker she could not think of a plan to save Rasil. When the guards came, She tried her hardest to break free from their grasps, but nothing she did helped. Vines were placed around her arms and legs and she was brought to the center of the Kingdom. She was brought beside Rasil. Rasil gave a small smile and whispered, "Calli, my people, believe that as we come from the Earth so to we return. It is a cycle of life, and even though today I go back to the Earth I promise I will return from it and find you." Calli looked at him and found strength in his words. "I will wait for you here than," Calli said trying her hardest to smile.She watched helplessly as Rasil was brought forth and executed before her very eyes.

Calli was than taken to the outlining borders, and left by the guards. Calli shielded herself and made her way. It took her many years, but on her return to The Holt Kingdom she found it destroyed and creatures there in it's place. Another war had wiped out her people leaving only her alive. Even so with all the damage the creatures had done, she stayed in the forest shielded, Traveling and waiting for the return of Rasil, the one who would break her of her wondering.

So when you are in the woods and you hear a snap of a twig or a rustle of a bush, and can't find the cause don't fret for it's just Princess Calli. Checking to see if you are Rasil returning to her.

The End

Here are the three Pins that inspired this.

That's it for today Check back in tomorrow for something else!!!