Thursday, January 24, 2013

Eden of The East Review

Eden of The East Anime Review 

 This series was created in 2009, so a bit old. I sat down today with the itch to watch it again. This series is good for first time watchers and toughs that like some mystery. It takes place both in America and Japan, and is one of the few animes good in both Japanese and English. The series is short with only 13 episodes, but also has 2, hour and a half movies to conclude the series. I love the quote "The series is like a really long preview for the movies." It's very true though. The series has the slow pacing and suspense, getting you into the story lines and figuring out the characters. The movies however forget that and keep throwing new excitements and challenges for the characters. I recommend if you do watch the series to conclude it with the movies.

This anime is really hard to explain, due to the fact that if I give you to much I'll ruin the surprise.  So I'll just describe the beginning of episode 1 for you. The female character Saki is a recent graduate of college. She is visiting America  as a congratulations for the big feat. On her last day, she sneaks away from her group of friends and goes to Washington DC, to make a wish on the white house fountain. She gets caught by the police and just as she is about to get questioned she is saved, by a naked man with a gun(Akira). I leave you with that, if interested the series is up on Hulu, and Netflix.

I would give this series a 10 out of 10. The plot, characters, everything is there.

Do you watch anime? Any particular style?

Eden of The East Owned by Funimation, and Fuji TV

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