Monday, February 25, 2013

Food Review

Food Review - Creamy Broccoli

My mom and I made this last week for dinner and it turned out great.

The recipe I found on To check out the full recipe click Here.

So first thing we did was put 4 cups vegetable broth to boil, adding 5 cups broccoli, and onion (It was like a fourth of the onion). Let it cook till onion was tender. After that we mixed 2 cups 1/2 and 1/2, and 4 tablespoons flour in a bowl. Once mixed we add to broth, as well as 2 cups shredded cheese, and cook till it thickens. Enjoy, And we did.

Mom and I both had seconds, and there was still some left for dad.

I recommend this on a cold day, it's simple, and fast.

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