Thursday, January 31, 2013

Manga Review - Hana to Akuma

Manga Review - Hana to Akuma 

This manga is sweet and touching, it was just an amazing find. First time I read this it wasn't completed, so I kind of forgot it existed and than bored found the link in my book marks and started reading it again. This time to the end.  I found this manga weird and intriguing it was the first one I ever read with actual demons (I try to stay with people in my manga).  Hana to Akuma was written by Hisamu Oto, this is one of the only pieces of their work I've read.  The manga has around 10 volumes, Which is relativity small, but the story line is nice and it is a story that doesn't leave you hanging like some do.

Hana to Akuma actually means Hana to Demon. The main characters name is Vivi and he is a demon that has been banished to our world for crimes unknown (we find out later the lord of Hell is a weird fellow that just didn't like Vivi). Vivi comes back to his manor on a raining day to find a baby sitting outside the gates to his house.  He decides to raise this human, and names the girl Hana. As she grows he opens his heart to the girl the only problem is he is an immortal demon, and Hana is not, can he keep Hana close or will he have to let her go?

I would recommend this story to anyone just passing the time its really sweet, in a weird way!! I'd give tis manga a 7 out of 10 only because there were some plot twists, that were odd and didn't really fit. I took it as  normal anime stuff and didn't worry to much about it.

Tomorrow I may not be able to update, going out of town and will be away from my computer. I'll be back Saturday for more Randomness!! Whats your weirdest event?

Hana to Akuma belongs to Hakusensha

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